Page 14 - Majestic Vol2
P. 14
It has often been said eyes are the often cocking his ears at the ongoing 很多人都说,眼睛是心灵的窗户。那是唯
gateway to the secrets of the soul. conversation. Looking at him, you would 一一个,可以把人看到心底去的入口。我
I find myself fascinated by eyes – never have guessed that he was such an 喜欢眼睛,无论是人的,还是动物的。看
there is so much expression which filter explosive force to be reckoned with on the 人的眼睛,可以轻轻地,不打扰地,感觉
through eyes – be it humans or even racetrack. In fact, his victory at the 2013 灵魂的流动,安静地,读你;看动物的眼
animals. There is an intangible and yet Longines Gold Cup is still talked about 睛,可以放肆猖狂地,大胆地,读它。动
authentic connection which feels like today. 物不会说话,也不会像人一样用言语,用
the soul reaching out to me. In animals 肢体完好地表达。两年前开始饲养了一只
– the authenticity is even more honest For this issue of the MAjestic,we showcase 取名为“温点点”的混血狗,刚抱回来的
– animals are incapable of feigning the glory and honour on the racetracks 时候,还是小不点那么丁点大,看到了陌
emotions unlike humans. So the soul through the exciting stories of Sir Owen 生人,小小的身躯直发抖。不过,世界万
is bolder, and unreserved. Lacking the Glenn, one of the club’s esteemed board 有,任何具有生命力的,都具有感情线,
power of human speech, animals convey members. His recollections encompass 更何况把她当作一个孩子来宠爱;她能给
the entire breadth of their being through his favourite race, his horses and the 予的反馈,是用热情及雀跃来表示她的情
their eyes alone. After all, animals do not empire he has built – a remarkable life 感。每每看她乌溜溜的眼珠,就好像感受
have speech to express themselves. Two around these noble creatures which 到她最无杂质的清澈灵魂。
years ago, I decided to adopt a mongrel cannot be expressed in words alone. In
and named her ‘Dot Dot’ for the twin another feature, the famed Chinese artist 我接触俱乐部的第一匹马是驻新加坡的赛
patches of black on her white fur. Wu Ying Hong shares a unique insight 马“达标” (Tropaios) 。在马房里,他安静
into why the horse’s eyes are his favourite 地站立在一角,喊了他的名字一声,他就
Initially, she trembled in encounters detail on his equestrian paintings – in part 缓缓地走了过来。“达标”是一只温驯的
with strangers – a childlike innocence because he finds a charming peacefulness 赛马,因为从他的眼里,我看到了一种细
which was translated in her expressive in a thoroughbred’s eyes just moments 致的温柔,他喜欢把头向人靠过来,还喜
eyes. A doorway into her pure, young before its dynamic sprint. 欢让人搔搔他的鼻子,和他说话的时候,
and uncomplicated heart. Not too long 他侧着双耳,也仿佛在用心地聆听。可
later, I would encounter the first of China To truly see the world is to look through 是,那么一匹温柔的马,你却想像不到他
Horse Club’s racehorses. Tropaios stood the windows of the soul. This is the only 在赛场上爆发力无比的表现。2013年浪琴
quietly in a corner but shuffled over when way to see and to feel what is not apparent. 表金杯赛后来居上的勇猛神态,至今还是
his name was called loudly. Despite his And for you, dear reader, the doorway that 让人津津乐道。
constant desire to run, I could tell he has been opened by the CHC, beckoning
had a gentle soul. He loved leaning in you to experience the truly unique and 这一期的《马朝MAjestic》,说的除了是赛
and nuzzling people, bringing his head moving world of equestrian sport. 场上的英勇事迹,还诚邀到俱乐部的理事
close for an affectionate stroke and 会成员之一的欧文·格伦爵士,为我们道
VOON LEE KHIM Photo by Zung@ The Photoz