Page 14 - Majestic Vol9
P. 14

Editor’s Note

Against All最O坏,d最d好s

               M any have viewed 2019 as an inauspicious                        很 多人都说,2 0 19 年是 不景 气 的 一 年,贸 易 拖 累 经 济 增 长,一
                                   one. With a sluggish economic climate        切都在缓慢中行走。可是今年对CHC杰士马主俱乐部来说却有
                                   hovering for most of the year, many would    着非凡 意 义。在今年一月于 美国举 行 的拍卖会上,C H C明星赛
                                   prefer to start afresh in 2020. Not for the  马“探险家”以500万美元高价出售;最近举行的高夫斯奥比拍
               China Horse Club, though. The year has brought about             卖 会上,C H C出品的周岁马也拍出10 0万欧 元高 价;品 牌 赛 事
               a few milestones for CHC, including the sales of world           C E C F国 际 驭马文化 节 首次 冲出亚 洲,来 到了位于加 勒比海 的
               class mare Abel Tasman for USD5,000,000 in January,              岛国圣卢西亚。
               a striking Dark Angel x Beatrix Potter filly (half-sister to
               world champion sprinter Harry Angel) for EUR1,000,000            每次和身边的人聊起圣卢西亚的时候,他们都对这个国家感到
               at the Goffs Orby Sale in October and the inauguration of        陌 生。可是 对于 欧 美 一 带 的人 来说,圣 卢 西 亚 却 是 一 个 让 人向
               its CECF event outside of Asia in the exotic island nation of    往的旅游天堂;共获得十次由世界旅游大奖评选“全球最佳蜜月
               Saint Lucia in the Caribbean in December.                        圣地”、舒服凉爽的热带海洋性气候、丰富多彩的自然景观……
               Every time I mention Saint Lucia, people around me               而未来,她将在国际上拥有一张新名片,那就是岛屿赛马。
               say they are unfamiliar with the country. However,
               for those living in Europe and the United States, Saint
               Lucia is a vacation paradise, named the World’s Leading
               Honeymoon Destination for a total of 10 times since
               1988, blessed with picturesque natural landscapes with
               a year-round cool and comfortable tropical maritime
               climate. Soon, island horse racing will be added to her list
               of attractions.

               I vividly recall running into Saint Lucia Prime Minister         犹记得去年在三冠王的第一场赛事上碰见了受邀前来观赏赛事                      Photography by Eric Chow @ The Blink Studio, Malaysia
               Allen Chastanet, who was invited to attend the 2018              的 切 斯 特尼 总 理,他 对 肯 塔 基 德 赛 事日所 吸引的人 潮、这 项 运
               Kentucky Derby, the first leg of the Triple Crown. The           动散发的魅力和背后所带来的经济效益发出由衷的赞叹。在现
               overflowing charisma of this Sport of Kings, with the            场 15 .7 万人 的 呼 声中,C H C 与合作伙伴所有 的赛 驹“正 义”夺
               roaring crowd of 157,000 people and the underlying               下 冠 军 的 那 一 刻,我 们 淋 着 大 雨,踩着 赛 道 上 的 泥 泞 兴 奋地 往
               economic benefits, left him in absolute awe. When Justify        颁 奖台上 走 去。我 想不只 是 我,切 斯 特尼 总 理 肯 定 也 对当下 那
               nabbed the Derby title, all of us raced down to the stage        一刻的激动和欣喜之情印烙心底;或许更多的是,他终于找到
               podium under the heavy rain, exhilarated. I believe that         一个可以提高圣卢西亚就业率及发展新产业的方案。
               Prime Minister Chastanet will not only remember this
               moment – and our excitement – forever, but also found            行 动 力和 热 忱,开启了圣 卢 西 亚 赛 马产业 元 年。这个 强 而 有力
               a solution to increase employment and develop new                且高效的执行,同样离不开另外两个人对于梦想的追求,那就是
               industries in his nation.                                        张祖德主席的慧眼和愿景及已逝圣卢西亚人温斯顿对当地赛马
               The motivation behind its rapid development in Saint             产业的热切推动。同样的,在这一期人物专访华天身上,也让人
               Lucia is driven by the dreams of two men – CHC                   看到了他对梦想的坚持和专注;一次坠马,成就了更好的他。
               Chairman Teo and the late Winston Trim, a passionate
               Saint Lucian who radiated positivity and warmth. Their           最坏的一年,或许也是最好的一年。每一个转机,都蕴藏着一个
               shared vision promotes strength and perseverance,                机会。
               regardless of any difficulties, challenges or even failures.
               The same qualities are found in Olympian Alex Huatian.
               In an exclusive interview with MAjestic, Alex covers a
               myriad of subjects but what resonates throughout is his
               spirit and determination.

               The stories of Chairman Teo, Trim and Alex exemplify             LEE KHIM, VOON
               that, if you persevere and never give in to failures, you will
               see opportunity in every turn.                         

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