Page 18 - Majestic Vol9
P. 18



                                                                05 06

    The exploration of synergies and the strengthening          03_Director of the NPC Standing   官方会见只是本次访问行程的众多亮点之一,此外鄂尔多斯
    of relations is seen as valuable to stakeholders from       Committee of the Ordos City       代表团还参观了肯塔基大学,浏览了国际知名的基兰拍卖行
    both regions. While both cities have successfully built     Bixiriletu presenting a souvenir  和 赛 场 的 整 体 布局,并 在 其 最 佳 观 景 制 高 点 饱 览 整 个 赛 道
    business profiles across various industries, the ties that  to Mayor of Lexington Linda       全景。在赢星育马场,鄂尔多斯繁育代表团还和已在鄂尔多
    each share to the horse are historic and culturally         Gorton  毕希日勒图赠送纪念品                斯繁育基地引入血统后代的美国优质种公马“超胆侠”进行
    significant.                                                予列克星敦市市长琳达·戈登                     了亲密接触,并参观了牧场内景致优美,设施完善的功能性
    Lexington, the Horse Capital of the World, remains          04_The delegation visiting Mayor  马主庄园。
    the epicentre of a global industry and the leader           of Lexington Linda Gorton & the
    in breeding, racing, auctions and sales, veterinary         University of Kentucky  代表团会      访 问当天,在 鄂尔多斯市 政 府 代 表 团 的见证 下,内蒙 古 鄂尔
    science, education and more.                                见列克星敦市市长琳达·戈登及                    多斯伊泰大漠马业还分别与世界顶级拍卖行美国基兰联合
    Ordos, which shares a similar latitude to Kentucky,                                           公司 和 美 国 首屈一 指 的 育马 及 赛 马 牧 场 —— 赢 星育马 场 签
    has enjoyed more than 5,000 years of equine cultural        肯塔基大学                             署了合作谅解备忘录,中美双方将共同开发中国纯血马繁育
    history and its ties to the horse remain just as relevant   05_YTDS Chairman Teo Ah           和训练市场,美方还对鄂尔多斯育马项目及在中国鄂尔多斯
    today. Ordos has been singled out as a logical hub for      Khing signing the MOU with        建 立 纯 血赛 马 繁 育 基 地 表 示 明 确 地 支 持。这也 是 中 美 双 方
    China’s emerging thoroughbred breeding industry,            Keeneland  伊泰大漠马业董事               在赛马业签署的首个此类合作谅解备忘录。
    and its government is promoting this initiative by          长、目前全球马主排名高居第七
    creating China’s second Equine Disease Free Zone
    (EDFZ). An EDFZ will promote the movement of                位的CHC主席张祖德代表伊泰
    horses into and out of China, and open opportunities
    for the internationalisation of the sport in the world’s    大漠马业与美国肯塔基基兰联合
    most populous nation.
16 MAjestic                                                     06_YTDS Deputy Chairman, Yitai
                                                                Group Chairman, Party Secretary
                                                                Zhang Donghai signing the MOU
                                                                with WinStar Farm  伊泰大漠马业



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