Page 19 - Majestic Vol9
P. 19
The opportunity presented by Ordos was not lost on
America’s equine business leaders with Keeneland
and WinStar Farm signing Memorandums of
Understanding respectively with the Inner Mongolia
Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries, the organisation
behind the Ordos Breeding Project. Keeneland, an
international leader in both thoroughbred auction/
sales and racing events, and WinStar Farm, an
international leader, in the breeding, racing and
raising of elite thoroughbreds, both pledged their
support and expertise to promote the growth of a
thoroughbred breeding and racing industry via the
Ordos Breeding Project.
The economic possibilities that come through 07
the creation of an ‘equine centric city’ were clearly
outlined at a meeting with Mr Matt Bevin, Governor 列克星敦市被誉为世界马都,这里是全球马产业的中心,在
of Kentucky, with tours of Keeneland, WinStar 育种、比赛、拍卖和销售、兽医科学及马业教育等各领域的位
Farm and the University of Kentucky and with a 于世界领先地位。而鄂尔多斯不仅拥有历史悠久的马文化根
firsthand experience at the famed Kentucky Oaks 基和产业氛围,近几年积极促进马产业的发展所获成就更是
alongside more than 100,000 other fans. At Churchill 有目共睹。鄂尔多斯与美国肯塔基州的深入合作,无疑将在
Downs Racecourse, where the Kentucky Oaks and 中美马业合作的历史中写下重要的一笔;而此次成果,亦汇
Kentucky Derby are held, the delegation was invited 聚了无数中美马业人士的经历多年努力,而CHC无疑是合作
as honoured guests of CHC to a private viewing of 背后的助推和引荐者。
the new Kentucky Derby Museum. The exhibition,
particularly the details of the 13th Triple Crown 16 | Friday, May 17, 2019 GLOBAL EDITION | CHINA DAILY
winner Justify, made a profound impression on the
visitors. IN DEPTH
在繁重的访问行程后,鄂尔多斯代表团也现场体验了第145 High in the saddle
届肯 塔 基 橡树 大赛盛 况。并以C H C贵客 的身 份被特 邀 独 家
参观了肯塔基德比博物馆和新开幕的“正义与三冠王历史” What do Inner Mongolia and Kentucky have in common? Deep roots in the horse world and an urge to race,
展区。该展区为庆贺2018年三冠王赛马“正义”而特别布展。 as May Zhou and Zhang Yuan report from Kentucky
师,马主团体和重要关联事物的故事。 By MAY ZHOU and Qi Bixiletu, director of the Standing Committee of the Ordos Municipal People’s Congress, gives stallion Distorted Humor a treat at people with the horse. I think there is great
WinStar Farm in Versailles, Kentucky. MAY ZHOU / CHINA DAILY potential for our two countries to work
07_Justify’s Triple Crown ZHANG YUAN in Lexington, Kentucky together to introduce and grow the sport,
trophies 三冠王奖杯 Left: Foreground, from left: Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin welcomes Teo Ah Khing and Zhang Donghai from Inner Mongolia and do it in a way that we know will be at a
08_Visiting WinStar Farm Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries on May 2 in Frankfort, Kentucky. MAY ZHOU / CHINA DAILY level of excellence that people will respect.”
参观赢星育马场 he day before the Kentucky Oaks,
09_Private viewing of the a delegation from Ordos, Inner Right: More than 100,000 people attended the Kentucky Oaks race on May 2 at Churchill Downs in Louisville. MAY ZHOU / CHINA DAILY The delegation also conducted in-depth
Kentucky Derby Museum Mongolia, China, stood enchant- Bottom: Horses graze in a verdant pasture at WinStar Farm in Versailles. ZHANG YUAN / CHINA DAILY conversations with Kentucky government
08 参观肯塔基德比博物馆,获得 ed by the sight of WinStar Farm officials and key horse industry players dur-
独家接待 in Versailles, Kentucky: gentle racing achievement. contract to manage the 27,000-seat Ordos infrastructure, like what we are seeing in ing their visit. Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin
10_China Daily (USA) was rolling hills covered in lush grass so verdant CHC currently owns more than 700 thor- Racecourse, where they plan to hold their Kentucky — breeding, growing the pastures, took time to personally meet the visitors from
present on the day to write that the ground seemed carpeted in green, first international event in 2020. getting all of the veterinary support and poli- China.
an article on the significance the pastures dotted with trees and ponds and oughbred horses and is ranked seventh in cies in place. Then the other things can come
of this visit to Kentucky for framed by elegant fencing, while here and horse racing worldwide, and No. 1 in Asia. YTDS has also established a breeding cen- in.” “We are very excited about strengthen-
the upcoming Chinese Horse there, a few beautiful horses grazed. ter in the Ordos Equine Disease Free Zone. ing the relationship between Kentucky and
Industry 《中国日报》美国版对 In addition to thoroughbred racing, Teo is More than 100 thoroughbreds have been Teo does not only want to see China-bred China in the horse race industry,” Bevin said.
此次鄂尔多斯市政府代表团访 It was the quintessential image of central also keen on developing the horse industry imported from Australia, New Zealand and thoroughbreds on racetracks around the
美进行了独家特别报道,并通 Kentucky, world capital of thoroughbred in China. He wants Ordos to become China’s the US to breed China’s own racing stock. world, he also wants to see Chinese jockeys “Nothing makes us happier than seeing a
过其发行的报纸及多个新媒体 horse breeding, and racing. horse capital. YTDS has the ambition to eventually build on the horses. He has sent Chinese jockeys Kentucky-raised horse running somewhere
平台宣传此次访问对中国马业 a breeding center encompassing more than to train and race in other countries. One of in the world and winning,” he added.
的重要意义 There are roughly 450 horse farms in the “The relevance of the horse industry for 4,000 acres to breed upwards of 2,000 horses. them, Qing Yong, is emerging as a top jockey.
09 region. The soil is rich in limestone, which is China is very real, especially in Inner Mongo- Lexington Mayor Linda Gordon organized
said to be responsible for the greenest grass lia, where the horse culture runs very deep in “Hopefully, the dream of Justify — which is “We want to make a Yao Ming out of him. a forum to talk about the horse business
anywhere and for producing the world’s fast- the lifestyle of its people. Now the challenge is no longer a dream but a reality we achieved You will see the rise of Chinese jockeys,” said with the Ordos delegation. Lexington and
est thoroughbred horses. to translate that culture into a mature horse — can encourage and induce the Chinese to Teo. Ordos are in discussions to form a sister-city
industry. get involved. We can do it in China and be one relationship.
When Kenny Troutt and Bill Casner bought of the best in the world,” Teo said. At WinStar, the Ordos delegation visited
the farm in 2000, it was only 400 acres. Today, “Our vision is to embrace and learn from stallions Distorted Humor, Daredevil and “Both Lexington and Ordos share the horse
at 2,700 acres, WinStar is one of the largest the best successes in America, and then use China is certainly poised to develop its others. Last year, YTDS acquired eight brood- industry. I think there is great potential for
horse farms in Kentucky, with one of the best the Chinese way to make it into a top show- horse industry. In December of last year, the mares impregnated at WinStar by Daredevil more partnerships and relations in the thor-
records. case for our horse culture in China,” Teo National Development and Reform Com- — the fastest two-year-old colt since 2010. oughbred industry and other industries we
explained. mission named horse racing as one of the share in common,” said Gordon. “It’s just
About 500 horses live there. Of them, about core projects to develop Hainan province’s At Ordos, seven mares have given birth to unlimited.”
150 are studs, and of them, the most valued Since 2013, CHC has been organizing a international tourism. seven foals, with one more on the way.
sire is 26-year-old Distorted Humor. trademark event, the China Equine Cultur- Qi Bixiletu, director of the Standing Com-
al Festival held both inside and outside of In Guangzhou, the Hong Kong Jockey Club In addition, YTDS signed an MOU (memo- mittee of the Ordos Municipal People’s Con-
“Distorted Humor is our best stallion ever,” China. The 2017 festival in Ordos welcomed manages Conghua Racecourse, where five randum of understanding) with WinStar for gress, concurred: “Ordos is at the same lati-
Elliott Walden, WinStar president and CEO, competitors from other countries and the races were held in March to promote racing. a strategic partnership to bring its breeding tude as Lexington, has preserved a traditional
told the Ordos delegation, mostly municipal events were live-streamed to other countries Horse-related projects are also being devel- practices and experience to China. horse culture, and is the place where the leg-
government officials and executives from with viewership in the millions. oped in Chengdu, Wuhan and elsewhere in endary Genghis Khan began. There is great
Inner Mongolia Yitai Desert Star Horse China. Another MOU between YTDS and Keene- potential for the two cities to work together.”
Industries (YTDS). In 2016, Teo formed the joint venture Inner land Association, Inc in Lexington calls for a
Mongolia Yitai Desert Star Horse Industries As China gradually puts forward policies to strategic partnership to promote horse trad- According to Chauncey Morris, executive
Ordos recently received approval from (YTDS) with Zhang Donghai, chairman of develop its horse industry, some see potential ing between Keeneland and China. director of the Kentucky Thoroughbred Asso-
China’s central government to develop the Inner Mongolia Yitai Group, a coal company. obstacles in the way. Betting on races has ciation, five counties in a 40-mile radius in
second national equine disease free zone. been prohibited on the Chinese mainland Keeneland is the largest thoroughbred central Kentucky are responsible for produc-
The Ordos visitors were spending a few days “Teo has developed a horse business in the since 1949. Some investors view the ban as a horse auction house in the United States. Last ing 40 percent of all horses in the United
in Kentucky to learn about the value chain past few years around the world, and now problem and stay on the fence. year, its sales volume reached $690 million, States, and 238 stallions in this region are
of the race horse business from breeding to he’s trying to develop China’s horse industry. a quarter of which was from international responsible for covering 50 percent of brood-
the track. Eventually we became partners. In a way, he But that, to Teo, is a misconception. sales. Justify was purchased at Keeneland in mares in North America.
led me into the horse industry,” said Zhang. “A lot of people don’t understand China’s 2016 for $500,000.
The stud is key to breeding race horses, horse industry. They think that without the “Lexington is really the heart of horse
Walden told the visitors. Distorted Humor Zhang’s hometown is Ordos, the gathering initial betting, horse racing can’t start. “The Chinese marketplace is such a industry here,” Morris said. “In 200 years
came with the farm and was initially valued place for Mongolian people in the traditional “I think China should start in two steps,” dominating market around the world,” said we were able to figure out the relationship
at $1.25 million — 50 shares at $25,000 each. horse culture, so the business comes natu- he suggested. “The first is to build all the William Thomason, president and CEO of between universities, government private
rally to him. Keeneland. “We have been looking at it with industries to make the infrastructure neces-
“With the first crop, his offspring Funny interest. We know the history of Chinese sary to have the most valued breeding indus-
Cide won the Kentucky Derby in 2003. He YTDS has already signed a 20-year try in the world.
immediately turned into a $100-million
horse. At his height, before the 2008 finan- “Thoroughbred racing exists in 69 coun-
cial market crash, his stud fee was as much tries. At any given sale, we will have indi-
as $300,000 per foal. He has 100 foals a year viduals from 50 countries coming here to
and generates $30 million a year. buy horses. As the horse industry develops in
China, we are certainly keen to increase our
“[So far] he has generated $500 million in export there,” said Morris.
stud fees,” said Walden, pointing to a portrait
of Distorted Humor over the fireplace mantle. Mayor Gordon is proud of Lexington’s
reputation as the horse capital of the world.
Among various trophies on display at
WinStar, the Triple Crown won last year by “This year, all but two of the 20 Derby
Justify — a thoroughbred that was co-owned contenders were foaled and raised in central
by WinStar, China Horse Club and two other Kentucky,” she said.
partners — attracted the most attention from
the visitors. Also meeting the Ordos visitors was Dun-
can Taylor, president and CEO of Taylor
In 2018, Justify became the 13th horse Made, a family-owned horse farm.
to win the Triple Crown (Kentucky Derby,
Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes) in Taylor said he’s having his father’s book —
144 years of racing history in the US. He was Joe Taylor’s Complete Guide to Breeding and
later sold for $75 million. His 2019 stud fee Raising Racehorses: Advice from America’s
is $150,000. Master Horseman — translated into Chinese.
In the Kentucky Derby Museum at “My dad had 40 years of working in the
Churchill Downs in Louisville, Justify now thoroughbred industry, he basically put all
boasts a special room enshrining his impres- his knowledge into the book,” said Taylor.
sive success. “We are having it translated into Chinese so
we can share our knowledge with the Chinese
Justify’s achievement also propelled the co- horseman.”
owner China Horse Club, a relative newcom-
er to the game, into becoming a top player in David Blackwell, provost of the University
world-class horse racing. of Kentucky, told the Ordos visitors that the
university’s Gluck Equine Research Center
When Malaysian-born, Fujian native archi- studies all elements of the equine business
tect Teo Ah Khing and his team designed and management. It has much to offer for
the Meydan Grandstand and Racecourse in exchanges with China’s equine industry.
Dubai, which opened in 2010, Teo fell in love
with horses and branched into horse racing. At Churchill Downs, the delegation
watched the Kentucky Oaks, a race for three-
In 2012, Teo founded the China Horse Club year-old fillies. In 2017, CHC’s co-owned Able
(CHC) aiming to become Asia’s premier life- Tasman won the Oaks and was sold earlier
style, business and thoroughbred racing club. this year for $5 million by Keeneland.
Many of its members are from China.
Improbable, a stallion co-owned by CHC,
“We wanted to be one of the major players,” WinStar Farm and SF Racing, won qualifica-
said Teo. “With that objective in mind, we tion to compete in this year’s Kentucky Derby
assembled a team, we studied hard, we iden- on May 4.
tified horses and we partnered with giants in
the business.” Improbable finished fifth but placed fourth
in the 2019 Kentucky Derby because the No.
CHC started winning races around the 1 horse, Maximum Security, was disqualified.
world in 2014. In a few shorts years, CHC has
built a substantial record of success, winning Viewers said they were impressed by
more than 450 races in 13 countries, includ- Improbable’s performance at the Derby, con-
ing 31 G1 feature events, the highest level of sidering that he was boxed in for quite a while
during the race.
MAjestic 17