Page 20 - Majestic Vol9
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Venue| Churchill Downs, VIPs| Director of the NPC Standing Committee of the Ordos City Bixiriletu, Party Secretary
Louisville, Kentucky, United of Yiqi Banner Wang Meibing, Director of the Ordos City Education and Sports Bureau Gao
States 丘吉尔唐斯赛马场, Huaijing, YTDS Chairman Teo Ah Khing, YTDS Deputy Chairman Zhang Donghai 鄂尔多斯
路易维尔,肯塔基,美国 市人大常委会主任毕希日勒图、鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗旗委书记王美斌、鄂尔多斯市教育体育局局长高怀
The Derby Again,
The Legend Continues
Text| MICHAEL YI 文| 易仁帅
01_CHC Vice President Eden 01 02
Harrington & YTDS Vice
Chairman Zhang Donghai Celebrated and recognised as two of the best 历 年 肯 塔 基 橡 树 和 德 比 大 赛 都 是世界 马 圈 瞩目的 焦 点。五
CHC副总裁伊灵腾与伊泰大漠 thoroughbred racing events worldwide, 月的肯塔基寒意仍未完全褪去,清风伴着细雨,不禁让前来
the Kentucky Oaks and Derby in the 的观 众 又 拉 紧了衣 扣。自20 17年起,C H C杰士马主俱 乐部
马业副董事长张东海 United States are annual congregation 每年都组团前往美国参与其盛,今年随同的,就是来自内蒙
02_YTDS Deputy General points for the China Horse Club and its horse owners. 古 鄂 尔多斯 的 政 府 代 表 团,亲 临 现 场 感 受 这个 国 际 级 赛 事
Manager Lim Beng Seng, Party Since 2017, the China Horse Club has been a keen 的 精 彩。C H C旗 下 赛 马“探 险 家”及“正 义”分别是 20 17年
Secretary of Yiqi Banner Wang supporter and participant, having successes at both 肯塔基橡树及2018年肯塔基德比大赛的冠军马,“正义”更
Meibing, Director of the NPC races, with Abel Tasman winning the 2017 Kentucky 荣 登 三 冠 王 宝 座。而今年,C H C 继 续 派出赛 马“惊奇”出征
Standing Committee of the Oaks and Justify succeeding in the 2018 Kentucky 德比大赛。C H C作为立 足中国,放眼世界的马主俱乐部,连
Ordos City Bixiriletu, Director Derby on his way to his historic Triple Crown. CHC 续三年参赛美国顶级赛事并创下佳绩,在国内当属首创。
of the Foreign Affairs Office of was honoured to enjoy the support of the Inner
Ordos City Hao Hairong (L to R) Mongolia Ordos Government Delegation in 2019 as it
伊泰大漠马业副总经理林明承、 bid to defend its Kentucky Derby crown with talented
performer Improbable.
18 MAjestic