Page 26 - Majestic Vol9
P. 26

Friend of CHC

    The Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival                                                Dr Tan has been an active member and
                                               (KLAF) is widely recognised as one of the  contributor to the Malaysian architectural
                                               leading architecture events in Malaysia    profession for many years. He is also the key
                                               as well as the Asian region. As Director   person who developed and launched KLAF that
                                 of KLAF 2019, Dr Tan Loke Mun “pulls out all the         brought ACHIDEX and DATUM together.
                                 stops” in making the event a successful one.             “DATUM:KL has grown into the largest
                                 Dr Tan studied architecture in Deakin University,        international architecture and design
                                 Australia, before receiving his doctorate from           conference in the region and attracts more than
                                 the University of Melbourne. He founded his              2,000 participants each year. The topics and
                                 own architectural firm, ArchiCentre Sdn Bhd in           presentations would suit architects, developers,
                                 1994. He was then the president of the Malaysian         interior designers, project and development
                                 Institute of Architects (PAM) from 2005 to 2007,         managers, engineers and just about any person
                                 and the team leader who set up the Green Building        or party involved in the design, planning,
                                 Index Malaysia (GBI).                                    construction and property sectors. DATUM:
                                                                                          KL has been growing steadily, with the number
SFhuTaAtpuhrirecnehgOitefcture                                                            of participants increasing at a rapid rate, and
                                                                                          includes not just architects and designers, but
                                                                                          also a considerable contingent of developers and
                                                                                          students,” said Dr Tan.
                                                                                          Bringing together professionals and various
                                                                                          trade visitors of the industry, KLAF is the best
                                                                                          platform for the Malaysian public to learn about
                                                                                          architecture and design, and, at the same time,
                                                                                          promoting the development of the architectural
                                                                                          industry in Malaysia.

在建筑设计中预见未来                                                                                吉隆坡建筑节一直是马来西亚乃至亚洲地区建筑界的
Text| CHELSEA XU 文| 许骞                                                                    功,陈乐文博士功不可没。

陈乐文博士是马来西                                                                                 陈乐文博士毕业于澳大利亚迪肯大学,后负笈墨尔本大
亚杰出的建筑设计师。                                                                                学 取 得了博 士 学 位。他 于 19 9 4 年 成 立了自己 的 建 筑 设
其设计风格特立独行,                                                                                计工作 室。他曾 担 任马 来 西 亚 建 筑 师 公 会主 席(2 0 0 5 -
以设计了马来西亚第                                                                                 2 0 07),也 是马 来 西 亚 绿 色 建 筑 联 盟 / 绿 色 建 筑 指 数认
一个绿色建筑指数白                                                                                 证小组的理事。
他也是2019吉隆坡建                                                                               陈乐文博士多年来积极促进马来西亚建筑界乃至区域的
筑节的总裁。                                                                                    发展,接下2019吉隆坡建筑节的筹委重任,对他来说,
                                                                                          这 是 一项 非 常 有 意 义 的 事情。“吉 隆 坡 国 际 建 筑 及设 计
                                                                                          商、设 计 师、项目和 开发 经 理、工 程 师 以 及任 何 参 与 设
                                                                                          常 热 烈,它成 功 跨 越了 建 筑 师 和 设 计 师 群 体 的 界 限,让

                                                                                          者 聚 集 到 一 起,大 家 彼 此 交 流 互相 学 习,也促 进了马 来

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