Page 3 - Majestic Vol9
P. 3

Pure Swissness and an extraordinary cuisine.

Where dream weddings become reality         sis on intense contact with the couple
Heartfelt hospitality and innovative cate-  for the preparations. Consequently, the
ring are the perfect combination for me-    couple already feels comfortable in ad-
morable weddings. “The Alpina in the        vance, and wedding guests also notice
small mountain village is constantly o-     that,” explains Gehring. Besides the re-
pen for creative ideas and implementati-    sort’s longstanding wedding experience
ons,” smiles hotel manager Michael Geh-     (host Marlies Gehring is a qualified wed-
ring. “We want to get a feeling for each    ding planner), numerous hotel and res-
bridal couple. That’s why we put empha-     taurant employees are full of fire to crea-
                                            te the most beautiful day of one’s life.
                                            The Alpina is an intimate, exclusive loca-
                                            tion with history, in which tradition, mo-
                                            dernity, ’Swissness’ and internationality
                                            meet – a very special insider’s tip for
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