Page 44 - Majestic Vol9
P. 44

Up Close

                                                                      approaches children from all walks of life to educate
                                                                      them about the sport. Over the years, the program has
                                                                      successfully redefined the public’s perception towards

             The Horsemanship Movement                                Alex explained that, “The most effective way to
                                                                      educate the young is by allowing them to play with the
             “I wish to bring about a fundamental change on the       horse and letting them develop a close bond through
             public’s view about equestrian culture in China. Most    physical contact. Horses are friendly and intelligent
             people perceive horseback riding as a sport that is      animals. When you lead two children to a horse,
             only meant for the elite in a society, but that’s not    it will not discriminate them based on their family
             true. The sport is actually applicable for character     background, but rather, it will try to sense which child
             development among youngsters. In order to make           has more potential in riding. Additionally, through the
             them understand, I’ll have to begin from the basics,     riding lessons, children’s sense of responsibility will be
             but I believe one day the core values of the equestrian  naturally cultivated as the lessons also involve taking
             sport will be widely understood by the people,” Alex     care of the horse. This process is the most meaningful
             shared his aspiration full of passion.                   of all.”
             As an effort to realise his dream, Alex co-founded
             the Horsemanship Movement with a like-minded             The Horsemanship Movement proved to be impactful
             friend in 2017, which is their social responsibility     when it took home the Solidarity Award presented
             initiative to promote equestrian sports. With the        by Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) last
             values of horsemanship at its core, the program          year. Alex became the first 2-time winner of the FEI
                                                                      Awards, after receiving the Rising Star award from
             “ I wish to bring about a                                FEI in 2009.

             fundamental change on the                                骑士精神传播基础文化

public’s view about equestrian                                        2 0 17年,华 天 和 友 人创 办了“骑 士 精 神 行 动”。那 是 一 个 传
                                                                      播 马 术 精 神 的 社 会 责 任 项目,旨 在 帮助 不 同 生 活 条 件 背景
culture in China. Most people                                         的孩子理解马术运动的核心价值,打破马术“精英主义”的
perceive horseback riding as
                                                                      华天 说:“我想 给中国马术 文化带来 基 础 的改 观,改 变 大
a sport that is only meant for                                        众对马术的感受。目前马术看起来是属于“精英”形象的运
                                                                      动,但马 术 运 动 和 马 术 文化 不止于某个 圈 层,它更 具有 对 青
             the elite in a society,                                  少年品格教育的价值。我想从最基础的做起,希望马术运动
             ”but that’s not true.
                                                                      这个 孩 子 的 家 庭 殷 实 还 是 贫 困,马 会 在 乎 哪 个 孩 子更 有 骑
                                                                      士 精 神。在与马 相 处 的 过 程中,小 朋 友们 需 要 照 顾 马匹,确
                                                                      保它 的 饮 食 起 居及 卫 生 等 问 题,无 形 中 培 养了 孩 子 的 责 任

                                                                      去年,“骑 士 精 神 行 动”获 得了由国 际 马 术 联 合 会所 颁 发 的
                                                                      成 为 迄今为止 唯 一 一 位 两 次 斩 获 国 际 马 联年 度 大 奖 的人;

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