Page 45 - Majestic Vol9
P. 45

Love For Speed

Alex’s passion for equestrian sports and knowledge of
horse racing is undeniable. In fact, he is interested in
everything about speed. He once attended the Dubai
World Cup and is now a frequent visitor to Royal Ascot.

“Even though horse racing is different from               速度诠释热爱与激情
equestrian, the dynamic and grace exhibited by both
are equally exhilarating. I’ve met CHC Chairman           华天爱马术,也对赛马有些了解,他对一切与速度有关的事
in person on several occasions, and I’m very much         物都很感兴趣。他曾经出席迪拜世界杯,更是英国皇家爱斯
impressed with what the club has achieved in China        科特赛马会的常客。
and across the world over the years. Take Justify for
example, the horse who won the Triple Crown at the        “速度赛马虽然与马术有所区别,可是他所展现出来的力与
2018 Belmont Stakes, it has helped to bring China’s       美是激动人心的。我曾经在多个场合与CHC主席碰过面,对
horse racing industry to a whole new level,” Alex         C H C这 些 年在国内甚至全球范围所 达 到的成 就 非常 钦佩。
commented.                                                像去年在贝尔蒙特锦标身穿红黄五星彩衣拿下三冠王的赛马
Additionally, his love for speed also transcends          ‘正义’,就让中国的速度赛马发展达到了一个新高度。”
across the auto industry. Last year, luxurious British
carmaker, Aston Martin, appointed Alex as a               华天说,他很喜欢“速度”,无论是赛马,又或是车子所带来
“Friend of the Brand”, for his venturesome image and      的 快 感。就在 去年,英 国 豪 车 品 牌 阿 斯 顿·马丁 因 华 天 勇于
unremitting aspiration in seeking breakthroughs.          挑战、不断突破自我的精神而被委任为品牌挚友。
Alex shared that, “My partnership with Aston Martin
is like a dream come true. The iconic and luxurious       “和阿斯顿·马丁的合作对我来说就好像是美梦成真一样,
sports car manufacturer is very rich in history with      因为阿斯顿·马丁这个具有历史深度的品牌和产品始终令我
high-end products that never cease to amaze me.           充满敬畏;品牌背后的理念及所蕴含的情感,更能打动每位
With a moving idea behind the brand, I’m totally          拥 有者 的 心 弦。它 的 经 典、优 雅、气 魄 和 原 始 动 力,让 我 非
mesmerised by their classicism, elegance, spirit and      常着迷。”
dynamic.” Aside from feeling honoured, Alex’s
admiration for the brand is obviously indisputable.       而明年就是 2020东 京奥 运 会,他所 领军的中国马术队,
After dedicating more than a decade of his life to        首 次 成 功 取 得了奥 运 团 体 赛 的 资 格,这 无 疑 又 是 一项 划 时
the equestrian industry, Alex has achieved another        代 的 创 造。东 京 奥 运 会 是 华 天 经 历 的 第 四 个奥 运 会 周 期,
historic landmark in China’s equestrian history.          20 08年,18岁的他身披中国队战袍出现在北京奥 运会赛
A China equestrian team, under the leadership,            场,成为奥运史上年龄最小的马术三项赛骑士;2012年,他
successfully secured a slot at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic     差 之 毫 厘 无 缘 伦 敦 奥 运 会;2 0 16 年,他 再 次 获 得 奥 运 会 参
Games. In 2008, at the age of 18, Alex debuted in the     赛资格,并一举夺得第八名。而2020年,他又将会为我们带
Beijing Olympics as the youngest equestrian athlete       来怎么样的突破呢?
in Olympic history; in 2012, he missed qualifying for
the London Olympics by a hair’s breadth; in 2016, he
finished a highly respectable 8th at the Rio Olympics.
Next year, Tokyo 2020 will be Alex’s fourth Olympic
Games, and many are anticipating even more
impressive results. CHC wishes Alex and team every
success in galloping into a glorious future and leading
Chinese equestrian industry to a new milestone.

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