Page 20 - Majestic Vol1
P. 20


               A BEAUTIFUL LIFE                                                head. The first memory of riding a horse is still crystal
                                                                               clear: I remember gingerly getting on horseback and
               It was some years ago when I visited the newly                  tightly gripping the reins as I feared the fall. Thankfully,
                    completed racecourse in Dubai, where racing does not       the gentle creature carried me sturdily as we traversed the
                    involve betting, that I came to a new understanding        pastures, creating such picturesque memories.
               of the sport. To the Arabs, thoroughbred racing is a
               symbol of its national grandeur, well loved by the people.      A fortune teller once told me that I had an insatiable
               It was there, where the passionate cheering created such        horse-like energy about me and that I could never stand
               powerful energy in the air, that I began to develop a whole     still without feeling complacent. I listened, smiled and
               new appreciation for thoroughbred racing.                       nodded. Indeed, the River of Life would always take
                                                                               people to various places and life could never be constant.
               The knowledge and experience others may have about
               thoroughbred racing is often superficial. Just the other        I remember CHC Chairman Mr Teo once remarked that
               day, conversations with friends revealed that the beauty of     in choosing a horse, while it is important to pick a good
               racing is often lost. Instead, the lure of betting often gives  one, one should also consider destiny as you would not
               the sport a bad name. It takes a lot of explaining for people   know if you had actually purchased a dark horse. Just
               to understand the wonderful history of horseracing, the         as you sit here today reading this article, it is perhaps
               commercial and social value it carries, as well as the          possible that The MAjestic is also part of the tapestry of
               potentials the thoroughbred industry may have. It is only       life, poignant and significant.
               when this dawns upon them that a whole new world and
               its infinite possibilities open up before them, just like it    On behalf of CHC, I hope that the birth of this magazine
               had for me in my time with China Horse Club (CHC).              will add a new dimension of light and understanding. We
                                                                               firmly believe that in addition to the active promotion of
               The horse has always been part of me. I was born in the         thoroughbred racing, these words, bound and printed,
               Year of the Horse too many years ago but this has not           would make your life even more beautiful.
               stopped childhood memories of horses drifting into my

               美好生活                                                            曾经看相的告诉我说,你的命格里有很多“午”,你的一
               那年去到了新落成的迪拜迈丹马场,第一次对“无博彩”                                       点了点头。生命的河流总会把人带到某个地方,在一些时
               的速度赛马盛事有了另一番的了解。对爱马如珍宝的阿                                        间点上,在一些地方,你遇见了一些人和一些事,由此,生
               拉伯民族来说,那是一个民族宏大的象征,更是一项被全                                       命篇章有了不一样的故事。记得张主席也曾经这么说过,选
               民所热爱的运动。赛马场上激情澎湃的欢呼声,凝聚了力                                       择一匹好马,也是需要看机遇与缘分,你不知道你买下的那
               量,更让人看到了赛马场上不一样的风景线。                                            匹马,会不会就是下一场赛事的黑马。就像今天您坐在这里
               我们对于速度赛马的认知都太过肤浅,就像那天和朋友聊起                                      《MAjestic马朝》,当中一定有其意义的存在。
               与博彩挂勾。花了好一番唇舌告诉他们关于速度赛马背后                                       我们希望这本杂志的诞生,也能为您的生活增添多一些与
               的历史故事、商业价值、社交资源及马产业链即将激荡起的                                      驭马生活及文化有关的轻养分,因为我们坚信,除了所积
               涟漪效应,他们才看到一个从来没有触摸过的新世界,新观                                      极推广的速度赛马运动、艺术及锋尚生活,文字,也能让
               想。而这些,都是CHC杰士马主俱乐部教我的事。                                         生活变得更美好。

               与马的缘分,极深。撇开自己的生肖就已属马不说,我想                                                                                                                           Photo by Zung@ The Photoz

                                                                                                                                                    VOON LEE KHIM

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