Page 36 - Majestic Vol9
P. 36
Queen of Diamonds“钻石皇后”生而闪耀
Born To Be Brilliant
her to perfection, winding up and shooting her
forward with that trademark turn of foot to win by a
definitive 1 ½ lengths securing her first G2 win and
also the necessary points to eventually be crowned a
joint winner of the New Zealand Bloodstock Filly of
the Year.
2019 G2 Lowland Q ueen of Diamonds is a daughter of New 她就像一匹含着金钥匙诞生的贵族。 流淌着父系“小法宝”
Stakes Zealand’s perennial leading sire Savabeel, 的血液,“钻石皇后”所继承的正是草场王者的优秀基因;在
hailing from a female family steeped 她 的 家 族 里,总是不 乏 冠 军 成 员,像“维 京 王者”、“崔 塔 勒
平地锦标二级赛 in titans of the turf, such as Viking Ruler, 夫”、“戴 比 尔 斯”、“唐 爱 德 华多”以 及伟大 的“八 边 形”就
Tristalove, De Beers, Don Eduardo and the 是其中几匹。拥有如此显赫的血统,欲戴王冠,必承其重。外
mighty Octagonal, to name only a few. 界巨大的期待,让她在一开始就肩负重压 。
Purchased by China Horse Club for the sum of 在 20 17年新 西兰全国周岁马拍卖会上,慧眼 独 具 的 C H C杰
NZD640,000 from the 2017 New Zealand Bloodstock 士马主俱乐部以64万新西兰币(约合288万人民币)的成交
yearling sale, Queen of Diamonds was entrusted to an 价买下了这匹天才雌驹,送入经验丰富的练马师搭档白嘉与
old master in trainer Murray Baker and his partner 方世民的马房训练。
Andrew Forsman.
在 两 位 练 马师 耐心 而 有条不 紊 的 训 练 之下,“钻 石皇 后”一
Under their patient calculated guidance, she didn’t 直 等 到 三 岁才开 始自己 的 首 秀。尽管“钻 石皇 后”用了三 场 Text| MICHAEL SMITH 文| 麦思民
make her race day debut until the spring of her 3-year- 比赛才赢得首胜进阶下一级别的赛事,但她在获胜赛事中风
old year. It took her three starts to break her maiden, 卷 残 云 般 的 奔 驰 速 度以 及 超 过 对手 接 近 五个马 身 的 超 大优
but when she did, it was in imperious style, blitzing the 势 令人印 象 深 刻。在 接 下来 的四 场比 赛 共 赢得 一场 G 3 赛 冠
field by nearly five lengths. After that, there was no 军、两 场 G2 赛 季 军 以 及在 一场 总奖 金高 达百 万 赛 事 中 获 得
looking back. In her next four starts over the summer 殿军,并最终在二月底黑斯廷赛场进行的平地锦标赛中拿下
months she would win a G3, run third in two G2s and 了G2二级赛冠军头衔。
finish fourth in a NZD1 million race before lining up
the G2 Lowland Stakes at Hastings in late February. 正如在赛季中多次经历一样,“钻石皇后”在这场赛事生涯
PROFILE As often happened throughout the season, Queen of 骑师马特·卡梅 伦在比赛中执行了抢先战略,占据有利位
Foaled in 出生于 Diamonds drew an outside barrier at Hastings forcing 置,同时控制着她的速度,为最后的冲刺做准备。就这样,
a tactical choice from the start. The decision was “钻石皇后”以舒适的节奏行进了大半赛程,直道时才发起
2015 made to go forward and bypass the hustle and bustle 最后冲刺。只见她仅用了几步调整就开始全速前进,最终火
of the field in transit. Her regular partner, jockey Matt 力全开,以一个半马身的优势赢得比赛。此役的胜利不仅为
Sired by Savabeel out of the Cameron, rode to purpose, rolling around the field “钻石皇后”增添了G2赛冠军锦标,更让她凭借所得积分跻
mare Love Diamonds and slotting in just behind the speed in the running. 身荣登新西兰纯血马年度最佳雌马后座。
Travelling into the home straight Cameron presented
34 MAjestic