Page 35 - Majestic Vol9
P. 35


                            Quip“妙语”重塑辉煌时刻                                            历史总是惊人的相似。2019年四月中旬,距离去年“妙语”                    2019 G2 Oaklawn
                                                                                      在 G 1阿 肯 色 德 比 勇 夺 亚 军已 经 接 近 一 年,这 次,他 再 回 到   Handicap
                            Déjà Vu Take 2                                            了奥克兰公园赛马场。原本沉闷了一天的气氛因大雨倾盆而                      奥克兰让磅
                                                                                      打破,观众也开始为即将到来的比赛鼓噪起来。观众为“妙                      二级赛
                            It was déjà vu. Mid-April 2019, nearly a year to          语”而来,为他的练马师罗道夫·布里斯特而来,为与他相关
                                   the day after running second in the G1 Arkansas    的一切欢呼。G2奥克兰让磅赛蓄势待发,1又1/8英里途程的                   PROFILE
                                   Derby, Quip again entered the starting gates at    泥地赛静待着冠军诞生。同一场地,同样的距离,这是一场                     Foaled in 出生于
                                   historic Oaklawn Park. The day may have been       救赎之战,更是下半赛季的奠基之战。                              2015
                            dreary and rain-soaked, but the crowd was buzzing in
                            steaming anticipation for what was to come. A big day     一 道 红 黄 色 的 身 影从 闸 门闪出,“妙 语”在 泥 泞 的 赛 道中 开     Sired by Distorted
                            for all involved but for none more than Quip, trainer     始了荣耀征程。骑师奥天诚让“妙语”占据第四位置,紧随领                    Humour out of the mare
                            Rodolphe Brisset and connections. The G2 Oaklawn          先者保持着蓄势待发的状态。                                  Princess Ash
                            Handicap on the dirt over 1 ⅛ miles was their chance
                            at redemption, an opportunity to go one better over       如 离 弦 之 箭,四 匹 赛 马 开 始 并 排 前 行,共 同向 直 道 冲 去。赛   父系为“默趣”,
                            the same course and distance, again, in a key lead-up     场 气 氛 越 发 紧 张,四匹 赛 马 仿 佛目目相 对,更平添了这 场泥         母系为“灰姑娘”
                            race for the second half of the season.                   地决战的紧张,慢慢地他们开始与其他赛马拉开距离。终于
                            Bursting the gates in the red and yellow colours of       进入最后200米,每匹赛马都是疾速飞驰,向终点进发。
                            CHC, Quip rolled forward across the soggy track
                            cruising up into fourth position travelling through the   随着比赛深入,“妙语”终于展现出了勇往直前的态势,甩开
                            first bend. With a hot temp set up front, Jose Ortiz was  对手从外道寻觅机会超越,仿佛在用速度向观众致敬,击败
                            mindful in the running not to let the front runners slip  对手证明自己的同时,也让他成为夏季到来之前最炙手可热
                            away.                                                     的赛马。
                            Like a slingshot through the bend, a line of four
                            horses strode up into the straight, dashing through       “金奖章”、“朗律师”、“统领四方”、“光 之城”……“妙
                            the muddy track towards the finish. The pressure          语”让自己的名字与这些传奇赛马的名字联系在一起,他们
                            was on; four horses, including Quip, eye to eye, with     无一不是近些年奥克兰让磅赛获胜者。对于“妙语”而言,
                            a hard mile of running behind them and 200m to go,        他的未来目标将是出战拥有百万美元总奖金的育马者杯一
                            grinding it out to the finish.                            哩赛与经典赛等世界大赛。相信最出色的“妙语”,将会在不

Text| MICHAEL SMITH 文| 麦思民  Digging deep, Quip found the courage to shake off his
                            rivals and hold off a late outside charge to salute the
                            crowd in the Oaklawn Handicap, and assert himself
                            as one of the leading contenders in the older horse
                            division heading into the summer.

                            Medaglia D’Oro, Lawyer Ron, Will Take Charge and City
                            of Light are just a few of the illustrious names Quip
                            joins on the honour roll of winners in the Oaklwan
                            Handicap’s recent history. If you are the company you
                            keep, then for Quip, with G1 races like the Breeders
                            Cup Mile or Classic looming in the distance, the best
                            may still be yet to come.

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