Page 30 - Majestic Vol9
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       Venue| Ellerslie Racecourse,  VIPs| Members of Parliament David Bennett and Ian McKelvie, Chair of New Zealand
       Auckland, New Zealand  艾      Thoroughbred Racing Dr Alan Jackson, Board member of RITA Anna Stove, CHC Vice
       勒斯利赛马场,奥克兰市,新                 President Eden Harrington, Murray Baker, Andrew Forsman  新西兰国会议员大卫·本内特、新西

       西兰                            兰国会议员伊恩·麦凯尔维、新西兰纯血马赛马协会主席艾伦·杰克逊博士、RITA董事会成员安娜·斯托


 T新G西he兰ne称e王Br称ae后tsitoOn f Their                  New Zealand’s racing elite descended on
                                                                   Ellerslie Racecourse in Auckland on a
   在2019新西兰年度纯血马颁奖典礼上,CHC杰士马主                                      fresh spring Sunday evening in early
   俱乐部获颁“最佳三岁马”及“最佳雌马”两大奖项。                                        September for the 2019 New Zealand
                                                    Thoroughbred Horse of the Year Awards. A black-tie
      Text/ MICHAEL SMITH 文/麦思民                     affair and New Zealand racing’s definitive gala, these
      Images Courtesy Of NICOLE TROOST PHOTOGRAPHY  awards celebrate the achievements of the prior season
                                                    in front of peers and public.
28 MAjestic                                         It’s always a fantastic night filled with glitz and
                                                    glamour of the occasion but tempered with the
                                                    signature kiwi sensibility and hospitality that makes
                                                    both domestic and international guests feel instantly
                                                    at ease.
                                                    China Horse Club were big winners on this
                                                    momentous night with Madison County and Queen
                                                    of Diamonds, both trained by Murray Baker and
                                                    Andrew Forsman, winning the coveted Champion
                                                    3-Year-Old and Joint NZB Filly of the Year awards
                                                    respectively. This was the first time in recent history
                                                    that the same owner/trainer combination had won
                                                    both of these awards with two different horses,
                                                    putting all involved in rarefied air and in doing so,
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