Page 12 - Majestic Vol9
P. 12


Managing Editor Voon Lee Khim 温丽琴

Editorial Assistants        Chelsea Xu 许骞
                            Damon Lin 林洺亨
                            Johannah Teo 张晓英

Contributing Writers        Angeline Lee 李红莲 (Malaysia)
                            Ann Wang 王丽静 (China)
                            Christie Debernardis 贝莉丝 (United States)
                            David Loregnard 罗大卫 (Saint Lucia)
                            Demetri Baches 巴德米 (United States)
                            Eden Harrington 伊灵腾 (Australia)
                            Michael Smith 麦思民 (United States)
                            Michael Wallace 迈克尔·华莱士 (New Zealand)
                            Michael Yi 易仁帅 (China)
                            Zhangrui 张蕊 (China)


Photographer Tan Yoke Seam 陈玉蝉

Contributing Photographers  Adam Coglianese (United States)
                            Alex Evers (United States)
                            Benoit (United States)
                            Brad Hunter @ Salty Dingo (Australia)
                            Mark Mahan(United States)
                            Zung @ The Photoz (Malaysia)

Creative                    Helen Chin
                            Juan W
                            Kabocha Design

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Singapore Office 新加坡办事处: CECF Events (S) Pte. Ltd. 360 Orchard Road, #11-02 International building, Singapore 238869 Tel: +65 6227 4788 Fax: +65 6732 2788
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                                                     Gan Wei Wei 甘伟伟 Email: or

                                                                   For membership enquiries, please contact 欲知俱乐部会籍详情,请联络:
                                                           Eden Harrington 伊灵腾 Email: Tel: +65 9376 9968

 The MAjestic 马朝 is published by CECF Events (S) Pte. Ltd 360 Orchard Road, #11-02 International Building, Singapore 238869

       Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without prior permission from China Horse Club. All rights reserved. Copyright is owned by China Horse Club. Opinions
expressed are solely those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by the China Horse Club and their related companies.Translation was done as closely as possible.
The similar stories in Chinese and English are not translated literally, but different writing styles was used in terms of expression and elaboration of details in either language.

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