Page 17 - Majestic Vol9
P. 17

VIPs| 鄂尔多斯市人大常委会主任毕希日勒图、鄂尔多斯市伊金霍

A mong the thousands to embark on this                                                    01
              year’s annual pilgrimage to America’s
              racing mecca of Kentucky was a unique    02
              delegation that had flown from
the historic city of Ordos in China’s Inner            01_Visting Kentucky, the world     2019年美国德比赛事周期间,“世界马都”在其最美季节迎
Mongolia. Headed by Mr Bixiriletu,                     capital of the thoroughbred horse  来了由内蒙古鄂尔多斯市政府官员和企业领导组成的马业代
the Director of the NPC Standing                       industry; meeting Governor Matt    表团的到访,开启了中美“马业外交”互通交往的新契机。鄂
Committee, the delegation of government                Bevin and other representatives    尔多斯 市 政 府 及马 业代 表 团 一 行在 鄂 尔多斯 市人 大 常 委 会
ministers and business leaders were in                 of the horse industry  到访被誉        毕希日勒图主任的带领下,会见了肯塔基州联邦州长马特·
Lexington following a formal invitation                为“世界马都”的肯塔基州,与                     贝 文、列 克 星 敦 市 市长 琳达·戈 登、当 地 姐 妹 城 市 委 员会 执
from the city’s leader, Mayor Linda                                                       行 董 事 凯·萨 金 特 和 来自美 国当 地 来自政 府 机 关,矿 业,马
Gorton, at the earlier hosting of Lexington            肯塔基州长马特·贝文和肯塔基                     业及旅游业的各方重要代表。当然,也包括了CH C杰士马
Sister City delegates in Ordos in September                                               主 俱 乐 部 在 美 国 的 合 作 伙伴 赢 星育 马 场、基 兰 拍 卖 行及 泰
of last year.                                          马业界人士会见交流                          勒纯血马公司等。
The significance of the meeting between the            02_Governor Matt Bevin receiving
governments of Lexington and Ordos cannot be           the cashmere products  贝文州
underscored. It is representative of a blossoming      长获赠来自鄂尔多斯的精美羊
friendship between two cities who, while differing
in race, creed and colour, enjoy cultural synergies,   绒制品
heartfelt respect and a mutual desire to create a
union that is supportive of business and the wider
community. The China Horse Club, which has a
significant footprint in China and the United States,
facilitated initial introductions between respective
parties and their business communities.

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