Page 22 - Majestic Vol9
P. 22


             Venue| Pimlico Race Course,                     VIPs| Lawrence Cyrlin, Bob Baffert, Bode Baffert, Mike Smith, CHC Chairman Teo
             Baltimore, Maryland, United States              Ah Khing, Ivy Ng, Ann Hanley  劳伦斯·西林、巴富达、巴博迪、史文夫、CHC主席张祖德、


             A Day At The

                   Text| JOHANNAH TEO 文| 张晓英


One big difference about the Preakness                                                                                  02                                     03
                 this year was the weather: three of
                 the last four races have been run over      今 年,C H C 再度 派出代 表参 与 美国年度 赛 马盛 事 —— 必利                        01_Dylan Minto, Lawrence
                 very sloppy tracks, whereas we were         时锦标赛。锦标赛当日气候 变幻莫测,在 最 后的四场比赛                                   Cyrlin, CHC Chairman Teo Ah
 greeted with blue sunny skies this time around. The         中,前三场都是在赛道极 其泥泞的情况下角逐完成,而接                                     Khing, Johannah Teo, Yohan Kim
 day started brilliantly with a win by CHC’s New York        着,却戏剧性的迎来了晴空万里的好天气。C H C赛驹“纽                                   (L to R)  迪伦·明托、劳伦斯·西
 Central in the G3 Maryland Sprint Stakes. New York          约中心”在当日出战马里兰冲刺锦标赛,由一号闸门出发的                                     林、CHC主席张祖德、张晓英、
 Central drew Barrier 1 and came through on the rail to      他,以后来居上姿态拿下冠军。好实力的同时也仿佛寓意好                                     尤汉金 (左至右)
 win impressively. The second CHC-involved race of           天 气 自带 好 运 气。此 外,另 一 匹 赛 马“吉 兆”则出 战 奇 克 朗                      02_CHC Chairman Teo Ah Khing
 the day saw Preamble race in the Chick Lang Stakes, his     锦标赛,这也是他第一次晋升锦标赛赛事。到了压轴之赛的                                     & Mike Smith( L to R)  CHC主席
 first-ever stakes race. Finally, it was time for the much-  比利时锦标赛,抽中四号闸门的C H C赛马“惊奇”一开始                                   张祖德与骑师史文夫 (左至右)
 awaited Preakness Stakes, where CHC’s hopes were            表 现 出 烦 躁 不 安 的 情 绪,不过 很 快 地 就 在 骑 师史 文 夫 的 安                  03_Ivy Ng, Bob Baffert, Ann
 tied to crack colt Improbable. It was a nerve-racking       抚 下 冷 静下 来,而 同 场 竞 技 对手“博 快”则 在 一 开 闸 时 就 把                    Hanley, Bode Baffert (L to R) 
 start as Improbable was restless at the gate, but jockey    骑 师 抛下 独自狂 奔,为 这 场 比 赛 增 添了小 插 曲。最 后,赛 马                       吴洁霞、巴富达、安·汉利、
 Mike Smith was able to settle him down. The same            “意志之战”以大逆转夺冠,而“惊奇”则排在第六。                                       巴博迪 (左至右)
 could not be said for Bodexpress, who lost its jockey at
 the start. Improbable ran an acceptable race for sixth
 place behind War of Will, who was a decisive winner.

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