Page 24 - Majestic Vol9
P. 24


             Venue| Kuala Lumpur           VIPs| Member of Parliament YB Ahmad Fahmi bin Mohd Fadzil; Minister of Energy, Science,
             Convention Centre, Malaysia   Technology, Environment and Climate Change Malaysia YB Yeo Bee Yin; Minister of Works
                                           Malaysia YB Tuan Baru Bian; KLAF 2019 Director Dr Tan Loke Mun; President of the Malaysian
             吉隆坡会展中心,马来西亚                  Institute of Architects Lillian Tay; TAK Group of Companies Chairman Teo Ah Khing




             The Power Of Architecture

             TA K 集团董 事主 席 张祖德 以 建 筑师 身 份 登 上 20 19吉隆 坡 建 筑 节之国 际 建 筑

             Text| KHIM VOON 文| 温丽琴 Photography By TAN YOKE SEAM

             Chairman of the TAK Group of                           audience with various presentations revolving
                            Companies, Teo Ah Khing, was one        around the theme of “TOMORROW”.
                            of the keynote speakers at the recent   Twelve years ago, Teo presented the plan for the
                            DATUM:KL International Conference       Meydan Racecourse and Grandstand in Dubai at
              held in conjunction with the Kuala Lumpur             DATUM ahead of its construction. The remarkable
              Architecture Festival 2019 (KLAF 2019).               and gigantic idea headlined the conference, although
              A leading international architecture event – this     many had thought to be too avant-garde. Nonetheless,
              year’s edition attracted a turnout of 40,000          he had successfully built his masterpiece. Completed
              participants – the two key events of KLAF 2019, the   in 2010, Meydan Racecourse is home to the Dubai
              International Architecture and Design Conference      World Cup, the world’s richest horse race, and is one
              (DATUM:KL) and the International Architecture,        of the most iconic landmarks in Dubai.
              Interior Design and Building Exhibition               Dur ing his ta lk at DAT U M:K L 2019, Teo
              (ARCHIDEX), were held at the Kuala Lumpur             introduced his next great project that symbolises
              Convention Centre.                                    ‘Tomorrow’ – Saint Lucia’s Pearl of the Caribbean
              DATUM:KL is an international annual conference        Integrated Development to an audience of more
              that is now in its 17th year. This year, 16 renowned  than 2,000 people. The USD5.8 billion project spans
              architects from all over the world took to the stage  approximately 1,000acres, and is expected to be
              during the three-day conference to inspire the        completed in phases over 15 to 20 years. It has been

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